The International Journal of Education Research (IJER) is published (since 2006) by the Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines. The IJER is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. The acceptance rate is 20%. It has been issued an ISSN number (1932-8443) by the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. The journal is published annually and is indexed in EBSCO and Gale-Cengage databases. Abstracts of published articles are indexed by IABPAD (www.iabpad.com).
The aim of this journal is to publish original, theoretical and applied, research articles that will contribute to the improvement of education. Preference is given to articles that are likely to have wide applicability and contribute significantly to teaching effectiveness in a traditional class room setting or online. Papers are selected based on a double-blind peer review process. Manuscripts will be judged on their contents, originality, soundness of analysis, writing style, presentation, structure, and contribution to the literature. Papers published in conference proceedings cannot be considered for publication in the journal. Articles will be checked for originality using a Plagiarism checker. Information concerning manuscript submission, journal guidelines, and editorial policy are posted on this website.
The International Journal of Education Research, editors, editorial board, and the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines are not responsible for the views expressed by authors in this journal. The proofreading of the manuscripts and any errors are the sole responsibility of the individual authors.
International Journal of Education Research
Morsheda Hassan, Editor
Grambling State University, Grambling, Louisiana
Editorial Board
Fred Englander
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Donna Coelho
Western Connecticut State University
Marjorie G. Adams
Morgan State University
Samuel Tabi
Wiley University
Ralph Terregrossa
St. John’s University
Stanley W. Self
Purdue Global University
Calandra Lockhart
Andrew College
David Notgrass
Tarleton State University
Mahmoud Yousef
University of Central Missouri
Felix Kamuche
Morehouse College, Atlanta