Daniel H. Boylan
Jamie L. Philipp
Michael A. Latini
Winder University


The continued growth of accounting software along with its growing ease of use is
reducing the need for these services to be provided directly by the accounting profession.
Businesses are increasingly opting to replace professional accounting services for more
affordable software, causing the profession to feel the impact of technological advances. This
leads to the question of whether or not there is a threat to the profession as a whole, and if
technology will one day make accountants obsolete. Existing research was reviewed to determine
the current use of software vs professional accounting staff. Research also includes a review of
the brands of software used. A score for each software was compiled and reviewed to determine a
business’s satisfaction with the software across criteria including cost, customer support,
available features, timely updates, and familiarity. The research finds that companies can reduce
accounting service costs by using software; however, risks include increased errors using staff
that lacks a strong understanding of accounting concepts and procedures. The research also finds
that the use of software for taxes cannot fully replace the advice of a professional due to
underlying complexities of the codes.

Keywords: Technology, software, accounting, automation